Atlantic Divers Commercial Diving and Salvage Division.

Commercial Division

As per requirements Atlantic follows OSHA regulations and our divers, tenders, and supervisors are fully certified, insured, and have personnel background checks with the Transportation Security Administration (TWICs), and the National Maritime Drug Consortium.
Atlantic Divers has over 30 years of history safely servicing the U.S.C.G. New Jersey and Philadelphia area vessels and ships. 

U.S.C.G. Government contractor information:
Dunn and Bradstreet DUNNS # 117192490
Active status SAM cage code 8GPX6
Fully insured, prepared and trained to do any of the following service:

Full hull Inspection exterior, brush and clean waterline, scrape, and polish propellors, 

Check and inspect closed voids, struts, sea chests, rudders, bow thrusters’ appendages, check hull paint for paint, erosion, dents, inspect and remove stern tube covers 

Replace zincs and replace covers.

Remove sea chests, old waster zincs and growth, clean out sea chest areas and replace zincs, replace sea chests 

Remove bow thruster grates and remove old waster zincs and growth, replace zincs, replace bow thruster grates. 

Transducer and sonar replacement. Photography and videography of all work.

Atlantic Divers
Commercial Dive Division

795 Route 109
Cape May, NJ 08204

Office: 609.884.0330


Atlantic Divers is fully insured for commercial diving inspections and services.  
Call for a rate sheet. (609) 884-0330

Ship hull cleaning
Heavy Salvage


Tidal measurement and buoy recoveries.
Fully certified inspections